Emotional Intelligence--Do these things to improve yours today! 🌼🌿🌼 Scentsational Sunday

August 4, 2024

Happy Scentsational Sunday, Reader!

Have you heard of emotional intelligence? While we all pretty much know about intellectual intelligence (measured by an intelligence quotient standard), many aren't as familiar with emotional intelligence (EI, or EQ). Having higher EI has quite a great number of benefits, and I would dare say it's more important than IQ is.

Have you ever watched the T.V. show "Young Sheldon"? Not only is it super funny and clean, the writers consistently point out in the story line the difference between the two twins, Sheldon (high IQ/low EI) and Missy (high EI/and probably average IQ). It's pretty interesting to see their social interactions with family, friends, their pastor, neighbors, and teachers. It's one of my favorite shows, and even though I've seen it over and over, I still watch it when I need a good laugh before bedtime.

Having higher emotional intelligence has these scientifically studied benefits:

1) Empathy: People with higher emotional intelligence also have greater empathy for others. This isn't sympathy, which is more like feeling sorry for someone. Empathy is more about being able to put yourself in another's shoes and the act accordingly. I think empathy has a lot to do with whether or not a person can be successful with the Golden Rule (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.)

2) Intuitiveness: When you're self-aware and have high levels of intuition (following your "gut" or what I think is often the Holy Spirit), you have a good understanding of your actions and the potential consequences. It helps you pay attention to and do better when it comes to interpersonal communications.

3) Communication skills: Those with EI are better able to share ideas, dreams, directions, teachings, etc. with other people in their home, workplace, neighborhood, etc.

4) Social skills: This is your ability to interact socially. I've always struggled with this, being an extreme introvert, but I'm doing much better these days.

5) Conflict resolution: People with higher EI may be more effective at resolving conflicts with others. Of course this does take two people, but if at least one person in the duo is open-minded and able to speak plainly without hurting the other, there's a greater chance of an improved relationship, or at least walking away without being super hurtful.

Other benefits include: better teamwork, leadership skills, and the ability to self-regulate (mindfulness). I share the rest of these in the article linked below.

I've got THREE great strategies for incorporating essential oils into your life for improved emotional intelligence, better relationships, and a happier home and work space.

You can find these here, and one of the strategies is called "emotional anchoring," which is VERY interesting and alone worth the read!

Here's the link to the article:

Improve Emotional Intelligence with Essential Oils


Create a Happy Home with Essential Oils

I was updating some things on my YouTube channel, and I came across this training I did for one of my friend's online summits back in 2022! This workshop is on how to have a happy home with essential oils. It's just been sitting there in the archives.....

Guess what?

I've made it public on YouTube and I'm sharing it with you here, too. It's FREE of course, and you can watch it on your own time. Enjoy! (Be sure to subscribe to our channel!)

Create a Happy Home with Essential Oils


Update on the Aromatherapy 1 Certification Course

It's coming along great!

I've got the information page finished, and I'm working on Module 5 of the 10-11 modules of this 100 hour course. I'm following the guidelines for NAHA (national) and AIA (international) boards so we can enjoy being an approved school in both organizations. This takes some time, and I'm beginning now.

Jean, our professional aromatherapist on staff, is chomping at the bit because she's our aromatherapy case study manager, and she's ready to get started! She'll be backed up by Stephanie, another of our professional aromatherapists as needed too, making sure you have plenty of support.

It's happening soon!

If you've been wanting to learn more about aromatherapy; take it more seriously and add this incredibly healing modality to your life so you can have a BETTER life, we're nearly there! I'm planning to launch the small first BETA group in the next couple of weeks!

Please let me know if you'd like special announcements for this beta group for the first run of the course. Click HERE if you're in! By clicking that link or the button below, you'll be able to access some great new FREE resources as we get started too!


Make Your Own Herbal Skincare

Many of you enjoyed my friend, Susan Parker's free facial formulation workshop series last week, and so did I! This is a quick reminder that her full course on Facial Oil Formulation is closing for enrollment tonight. If this sounds like something you'd enjoy, you can find more information HERE.


Encouragement and Inspiration

I used to go through life thinking there was something intrinsically wrong with me. I have found in my coaching practice, that this is very common especially with women, and usually starts in childhood.

For me, perhaps this came from the things I was told, or interactions I had with a few abusive people in my life, or flippant comments made by young boys in my teen years, or who knows what else? But many decades and many experiences later, as an "older" adult woman, I now know there's nothing wrong with me at all. And there never was.


Now I know how to manage my thought life, and the negative voices inside my head are greatly reduced. If they pop up, as those stinky thoughts sometimes do, I know exactly what to do to vanquish them.

I think this is one of the things that's helped me build this herbal and aromatic business to be honest....it's this ability to manage my mind that I've finally learned rather late in life.

(It's never too late).

Another thing I struggled with was how to enjoy my life. I always thought I "should" love to travel....but I don't.

I "should" love to go to parties....but I don't.

I "should" love to be around lots of people....but I don't.

I "should" not like to work so much....but I love my work and what I do!

And it's ok.

(That's called "shoulding all over myself", by the way, and it's NOT a good thing to do for peace of mind. It's 100% destructive.)

I enjoy quiet time alone, with a great book. I enjoy puttering around in the garden with my herbs and veggies. I enjoy long walks, quietly, so I can think. I enjoy making things from plants....God's gifts to us. I enjoy time spent in prayer and in the Word. I enjoy working on good things, like Healing Harvest Homestead.

I own my uniqueness now.

God made me perfectly! And He made you perfectly too!

He gave us our hopes and our dreams....

Of course, sometimes it's hard, and I slip back into old habits. So, I do this with God's help, a journal practice that's sometimes hit-and-miss, and I've gotten LOTS of help from a life coach too...so much so, that I got certified as a Christian Life Coach a couple years ago, and occasionally I still pay to have sessions with my favorite coach.

So...if you're struggling to "enjoy" life, ask yourself:

What DO you really like doing?

And then just do those good and healthy things as often as you can.

If you're thinking there's something "wrong" with you? I'm here to tell you that there's NOT.

You are perfect.

You've been perfectly made, and you can become a new creation any time you want.

You are not broken!

You may have forgotten your magic, but it's there!

You may have forgotten your purpose in this one beautiful life you have.....but I promise you, it's there.


And remember:

"The sun always shines where you are."

---author unknown


"For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well." --Psalm 139:13-14

Have a beautiful, blessed day!

Hugs, Health, and Herbs,


P.S. Did you get my FREE 30 page guide on How to Blend Essential Oils for Peace? If not, just click that link, and I'll send it along. Be sure to use the same email address so you don't get doubles.

And....I'd LOVE if you'd forward this note to a friend who might enjoy it too!


Hi! I'm Heidi Villegas

Welcome, Sister! I’d love to support you along your journey in making natural, clean, healthy, herbal living a simple art that YOU can do too, no matter where you live. I'll help you to: 🌿 Use herbs and essential oils confidently and correctly for amazing wellness 🌹Make your own natural skincare and body care products 🍅 Grow your own herbs and vegetables for medicine and food 🌿Forage wild medicinal plants without fear 🌶 Cook and preserve real food from scratch 🥰 Clean your home with natural homemade products that work!

Read more from Hi! I'm Heidi Villegas
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