Scentsational Sunday🌿🌻🌿 Surprising herbal vinegar recipe and a summer blend for you

September 1, 2024

Happy Sunday, Reader,

As I typed the date, my aghast mind shouted in my head, "WHAT?!!?"

September 1st already?

Time is going faster and faster.... Luckily, once that first freeze comes, at least for us here in the North, things slow down..... Frankly, I'm looking forward to some slowness.

Most everyone these days is familiar with Fire Cider, and it's fun and easy to make, besides being supremely useful for keeping your immune system boosted!

Guess what?

I've got a great new herbal version to share with you, and I think you're going to just love it like I do. In fact, it's got a lovely sweet flavor besides, AND it's helpful for respiratory system support and for cold and flu.

It's a Hyssop Oxymel

Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) is an excellent respiratory supporting herb and has been for over a thousand years at least. In fact, Medieval herbalist and abbess, Hildegard of Bingen said it "cleanses the lungs." Nicholas Culpeper, another old-time herbalist of yore said about hyssop, " It expelleth tough phlegm and is effectual for all griefs of the chest and lungs."

If you grow hyssop (not to be confused with anise hyssop---that's good for flavoring teas--it has to be Hyssopus officinalis), then you've probably smelled its strong, aromatic scent and maybe even felt some opening in your lungs while smelling the flowers or leaves like I do!

Chemically speaking, hyssop contains many of the same strong respiratory essential oils other mints do, giving it a rather "minty" flavor, but it also contains marrubiin, which is a diterpene that scientists now believe helps strongly with respiratory issues and also hypertension. It may also calm stress, and this is a wonderful thing if you're suffering from cold, flu, and breathing issues--especially when trying to sleep.

You might be wondering, "What is an oxymel?"

Simply put, it's a combination of vinegar and honey, and it makes strongly flavored herbs taste wonderful! As Mary Poppins said, "A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down!"

Here's how to make Hyssop Oxymel:

1) Fill a quart mason jar about 1/3 to 1/2 full of dried hyssop. If you want to, you can also add some yarrow, lemon balm, or peppermint to your dried blend first, but your jar should only be 1/3 to 1/2 full, total, of dried herbs.

2) Now add raw honey to about halfway in your jar. If you tend to take it easy on sugar, like I do, 1/3 of the way is also fine, but it won't be as sweet, of course.

3) Fill the rest of the way with raw apple cider vinegar. Stir by using a skewer, until the honey and vinegar are pretty well incorporated.

4) Using a plastic lid! This is important because the vinegar will degrade the metal on a regular mason jar lid.

5) Infuse for about four weeks. I like to just keep mind on the counter, then I remember to give it a little shake occasionally, as this helps break down the plants faster. When ready, strain off the liquid, bottle, and label!

To Use Your Hyssop Oxymel:

Take 1 to 2 teaspoons every hour or so for acute coughs, bronchitis, or congestion. Reduce dosages by weight for children. You can pick up your FREE Dosing Herbs Guidelines here, if you like! (And please forward this to a friend!)

SAFETY: Be sure you're using Hyssopus offinicalis, not other species. This is so important. And, do not use if you're pregnant or nursing unless you check with your doctor first. This oxymel is not for children under the age of two years. If you're taking medications for seizures, avoid hyssop. Do not take it for a very extended length of time.


And here's a beautiful diffuser blend for Fall allergies or cold and flu...or just because it smells amazing! It opens up the nasal passages, and the chemicals pinene and limonene it contains supports the immune response.

The Evergreen Crew Diffuser Blend

Note: You can also turn this into a personal inhaler by doubling the drops!

4 drops hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)

1 to 2 drops pinion pine (Pinus edulis) ---smells like Christmas!

1-2 drops black spruce (Picea mariana)

3 drops lemon (Citrus limon) or orange (Citrus sinensis)

Drop these into your diffuser, and enjoy!

If you don't have one of the evergreens, it's ok to substitute with come different evergreens such as cypress, other pines, and other spruces.


EEK! We have just two seats left!

If you're feeling some FOMO (fear of missing out) on the beta launch of our new Aromatherapy Specialist Certification program opening, there are two seats still left.

This is the last you'll hear about this course for quite some time, and I'm getting to work supporting students in their learning of safe, effective aromatherapy practice, conducting client consultations, and creating the most beautiful products! In a few months, I'll be able to apply to AIA and NAHA to become an approved school, and then the price will go up.

It's been a lot of fun so far, and things are just going to be more and more fun, as we start learning more about carrier oils, the essential oils, applications for use, and SO much more.

You can learn more here and join us as long as those seats are still available!

Aromatherapy Specialist Certification


Encouragement and Inspiration

Are you seeing disturbing things on the news? I stopped watching it, but as the election news ramps up, Mr. V. loves to share his thoughts. He heard something the other day about some fearful things, and I don't know about you, but this makes me feel worried and sometimes afraid. And then there are all the other things happening....

I don't like this feeling, so I turn to my Lord and Savior. Here's one of my best, favorite verses for when you're uncomfortable in this world:

"He will cover you with His pinions, And under His wings you may take refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and wall." Psalm 91:4 (In fact, I just love the entire chapter of Psalm 91.)

May it help you like it helps me.

Hugs, Health, and Herbs,


P.S. Don't forget to pick up your FREE Herbal Dosing Guide! And please forward this to a friend!

And...Subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Hyssop grows from 18 inches to nearly three feet tall. Ours is around 2 1/2 feet right now, with beautiful spires filled with purple flowers. The parts used are the leaves and flowers. It's such a beautiful plant, not to mention how helpful it is for people. Enjoy, and perhaps plant some next year. You'll love it!

Hi! I'm Heidi Villegas

Welcome, Sister! I’d love to support you along your journey in making natural, clean, healthy, herbal living a simple art that YOU can do too, no matter where you live. I'll help you to: 🌿 Use herbs and essential oils confidently and correctly for amazing wellness 🌹Make your own natural skincare and body care products 🍅 Grow your own herbs and vegetables for medicine and food 🌿Forage wild medicinal plants without fear 🌶 Cook and preserve real food from scratch 🥰 Clean your home with natural homemade products that work!

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